Equalities Statement and Objectives
St James’ Junior School Equality Statement and Plan
The public sector Equality Duty means that public bodies have to consider all individuals when carrying out their day-to-day work – in shaping policy, in delivering services and in relation to their own employees.
It also requires that public bodies have due regard to the need to:
- eliminate discrimination;
- advance equality of opportunity;
- foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities.
At St James', our school vision, GROW, underpins everything that we do. We believe that all children are loved by God and are individually unique. We are fully committed to ensuring that every child in our care fulfils their potential in all aspects of their lives: physically, academically, socially, morally and spiritually. Every child should be revered and respected as a member of a community where all are known and loved by God. Therefore:
- We value all of God’s children.
- We do our best to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect.
- We make sure the school is a safe, welcoming, secure and stimulating place for everyone.
- We recognise that people have different needs, and we understand that treating people equally does not always involve treating them all exactly the same.
- We recognise that for some children extra support is needed to help them to achieve and be successful.
- We do our best to make sure that people from different groups are consulted and involved in our decisions, for example through talking with children, parents, carers and governors, and through our School Council, Parents’ Forum and Governing Body.
- We welcome the general principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and accordingly have regard in particular for the needs of children and young people who are disadvantaged or vulnerable, and their parents and carers.
- We welcome the emphasis in the Ofsted framework on the importance of diminishing differences in achievement which affect, amongst others:
- pupils from certain cultural and ethnic backgrounds;
- pupils who belong to lower-income households;
- pupils who are disabled;
- pupils who have special educational needs;
- boys in certain subjects, and girls in certain other subjects.
Summary Statement
To fulfil our legal obligations, we are guided by a number of principles.
1. All pupils, families and staff are of equal value. We see all current and potential pupils, parents and staff as of equal value:
- Whether or not they are disabled.
- Whatever their ethnicity, culture, national origin or national status.
- Whatever their gender and gender identity.
- Whatever their religious and non-religious affiliation or faith background.
- Whatever their sexual orientation.
- Whatever their marital status.
- Whether they are currently pregnant or have recently given birth.
- Whatever their age.
2. We recognise and respect difference We recognise that treating people equally does not necessarily involve treating them all the same. We recognise that our policies, procedures and activities must not discriminate but must take account of diversity and the kinds of barriers and disadvantage that staff, parents or pupils may face in relation to their protected characteristics:
- Disability – we note that reasonable adjustments may need to be made.
- Gender (including transgender) – we recognise that girls and boys, men and women have different needs.
- Religion and belief – we note that reasonable requests in relation to religious observance and practice may need to be made and complied with.
- Ethnicity and race – we note that all have different experiences as a result of our ethnic and racial backgrounds.
- Age – we value the diversity in age of staff and parents.
- Sexual orientation – we respect that individuals have the right to determine their own sexual identity and that they should not experience disadvantage as a result of their preference.
- Marital status – we recognise that our staff and parents may make their own personal choices in respect of personal relationships and that they should not experience disadvantage as a result of the relationships they have.
- Pregnancy and maternity – we believe that our staff and parents should not experience any unfair disadvantage as a result of pregnancy or having recently given birth.
3. We foster positive attitudes and relationships, and a shared sense of cohesion and belonging We intend that our policies, procedures and activities should promote:
- Positive attitudes and interaction between groups and communities different from each other.
- An absence of harassment, victimisation and discrimination in relation to any protected characteristics.
4. We observe good equalities practice in relation to staff We ensure that our policies and practices for all staff and potential staff throughout the employment lifecycle, i.e. from recruitment through to the cessation of employment and beyond, are applied fairly and consistently across all groups with full respect for legal rights, taking into account aspects applicable to particular groups (e.g. duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled staff).
5. We aim to reduce and remove inequalities and barriers that already exist. We intend that our policies, procedures and activities avoid or minimise any possible
negative impacts and we aim to reduce inequalities that exist between groups and communities different from each other.
6. We consult and involve, ensuring views are heard In our development of policies, we engage with groups and individuals, including pupils who are affected by a policy or activity to ensure that their views are taken into account. For policies and activities affecting pupils, we will take account of views expressed at school council; for parents, this will be through parent governor representation and for staff, through staff governor representation. Where necessary, we will consult more widely with specific groups.
7. We aim to foster greater community cohesion. We intend that our policies, activities and curriculum offer foster greater social cohesion and provide for an equal opportunity to participate in public life irrespective of the protected characteristics of individuals and groups.
8. We base our practices on sound evidence. We maintain and publish information annually to show our compliance with the public sector equality duty, set out under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 and SEND Code of Practice 2014.
9. We set ourselves specific and measurable equality objectives We develop and publish specific and measurable objectives every four years based on the evidence that we have gathered (principle 8) and the engagement we have been involved in (principle 7).
The objectives can be found on the action plan below and take into account both national, county and school level priorities.
Application of the principles within the equality duty:
The principles outlined above will be applied and reflected in:
- The delivery of the school curriculum.
- The teaching and learning within the school.
- Our practice in relation to pupil progress, attainment and achievement.
- Our teaching styles and strategies.
- Our policies and practice in relation to admissions and attendance.
- Our policies and practice in relation to staff.
- Our care, guidance and support to pupils, their families and staff.
- Our policies and practice in relation to pupil behaviour, discipline and exclusions.
- Our partnership working with parents.
- Our contact with the wider school community.
Addressing prejudice and prejudice-related bullying.
The school is opposed to all forms of prejudice including, but not limited to, prejudice related to protected characteristics. We will ensure that prejudice-related incidents in relation to staff and pupils are recorded and dealt with appropriately.
Roles and responsibilities.
The governing body will:
- Monitor the implementation of the Statement and the objectives to check progress and assess the impact on staff, learners and parents and others.
- Ensure that all governors are aware of their legal responsibilities under equality legislation.
- Approve the equality information to be published annually and the objectives to be published every four years.
- Check the implementation of the Statement and objectives achieves improved outcomes for people who share a protected characteristic and fosters good relations between them and those who do not share that characteristic.
The Head teacher will:
- Provide proactive leadership to create a community that recognizes and celebrates difference within a culture of respect and cooperation.
- Ensure staff, pupils, parents and any other interested stakeholders are aware of the Statement and their roles and responsibilities in implementing it.
- Monitor to ensure effective implementation of the Statement and objectives.
- Provide regular reports for governors on progress and performance.
- Allocate appropriate responsibilities, and provide suitable training and development for staff to implement this Statement.
The Leadership team will :
- Drive forward implementation of the Statement and action to achieve the objectives.
- Support staff to carry out their role in implementing this Statement.
- Provide effective leadership on equality issues.
- Respond in a timely and appropriate manner when dealing with any incidents of discrimination, harassment or victimization.
All staff will:
- Recognise that they have a role and responsibility in their day-to-day work to:
- Eliminate discrimination, advance equality and foster good relations.
- Challenge inappropriate language and behaviour.
- Tackle bias and stereotyping.
- Respond appropriately to incidents of discrimination and harassment and report these.
- Respond appropriately to incidents of discrimination and harassment and report these.
- Respond appropriately to the needs of pupils, parents, staff and others with protected characteristics and encourage pupils to do the same.
- Highlight to the senior leadership team and staff training or development that they require to carry out the above role and responsibilities.
For further information, please refer to the school’s:
- Disability, Equality and Diversity Policy
- Accessibility Policy
- SEND Policy and Information Reports
- School Self Evaluation
- SIAMS Self Evaluation
- School Development Plan
- Governors Minutes