Vision and Values
Our Vision
Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day.
"You have planted them, they have taken root, watch them GROW and bear fruit" Jeremiah 12:2
We believe that every child should have every chance to flourish and GROW in God's love every day.
We believe that through developing children's resilience, perseverance, determination, enthusiasm and teamwork, coupled with our strong Christian values, our children will become the very best version of themselves, with the ability and desire to make a difference in the world as they grow and flourish in life.
Our GROW Values
We want everyone involved with our school to GROW and make our schools a place where everyone:
is grateful for our caring community and can feel safe, surrounded by God’s love;
works and learns together showing respect and understanding;
aims to be outstanding and has the opportunity to be the best that they can be;
all children, their families and the community we serve are welcome.
Our School Code
At St James’ Church of England Junior School we:
Give thanks every day
Remember our manners
Only ever do our best
Walk around school wearing a smile
British Values
It is through our strong ethos, vision and values that we teach children the fundamental British values of:
- democracy
- the rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect and tolerance