Statutory Tests
During their time at St James' Junior School. children are expected to take two statutory government tests.
These tests are:
- A multiplication check - this checks children's understanding of their timestable knowledge. Children should be familiar with the following multiplication facts. This test takes place towards the end of Year 4.
- Key Stage Two SATs Tests - These are a set of tests that children in Year 6 are expected to take. The tests are designed to check children's knowledge and understanding of their learning during their time in Key Stage Two (Years 3-6). The children will take the following tests, over a period of 4 consecutive days in May.
- Reading
- Grammar and Punctuation
- Spellings
- Arithmetic
- Maths (2 separate papers).
A meeting for parents of children in Year 6 is organised annually to provide more information.
Further information relating to the statutory tests can be found by clicking the links below.