Special Educational Needs
Please click on the links below to view our:
- SEND information report
- SEND Policy
- Accessibility Plan
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
At St James', we believe that every child has individual and unique needs. However, some children require more support than others. We believe that it is necessary to ensure that the school's curriculum is accessible to all children, is inclusive and differentiated, and offers children the opportunity to develop their true potential in a supportive environment.
Who is responsible for SEND at St James'?
SENDCo: Mrs K Haines
Email: sendco@stjames.derby.sch.uk
SEND and Inclusion Link Governor: Mrs K Clark
Email: (through the Clerk to Governors) clerk@stjames.derby.sch.uk
Our approach to teaching children with SEND
Provision for children with SEND is a matter for the school as a whole. It is every teacher's responsibility to provide for children with SEND in their class and to be aware that those needs may be present in different learning situations. Here at St James', we are committed to the inclusion of all children with special educational needs and value quality first teaching alongside intervention and support groups to help children's progress. The progress of all leaners is continually assessed in order to track pupils attainment and support where necessary.
How we identify SEND
The school follows the guidance contained in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice. This is statutory guidance for organisations which work with and support children and young people who have special educational needs or disabilities.
This means that whenever the school is making decisions we must give consideration to what the Code says. We cannot ignore it and must be able to demonstrate in our arrangements for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities that we are fulfilling our statutory duty to have regard to the Code.
The Code of Practice recommends a graduated approach to identifying SEND. The Code does not assume that there are 'hard and fast' categories of special educational needs, but recognises that children's needs and requirements may fall within or across four broad areas:
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- Behavioural, Emotional and Social Development
- Sensory and/or Physical
- Independent skills
Where possible, we will try to meet every child's needs within the classroom through ensuring that our planning, teaching and approaches meet the needs of the majority of the children in school. However, where through careful identification and assessment we and/or the parents/carers determine that a child is not making adequate progress, the class teacher will consult with the school's SENDCo. They, in conjunction with the child and parents/carers, will review the strategies and approaches that are currently being used and the way these might be developed. Where this review leads to the conclusion that the child needs help over and above that which is normally available within the class or school we will help the child through the SEN support.
How we assess SEND
Data is collected termly for all children in school. The data is reviewed and those children who have not made progress or show a decline in progress, or are significantly below their peers are discussed.
The SEND Code of Practice focusses on 'Assess, Plan, Do and Review'. Once children have been assessed it may be decided that they are falling far enough behind to warrant the use of interventions or additional in class support. This is reviewed during each data cycle and is always shared and discussed with parents at Parent Consultations. Sometimes , it is necessary to refer to external agencies. This is always in conjunction with the SENDCo and parents.
How we support learners with SEND
In the first instance, we rely on quality first teaching to ensure access to learning for all children in individual classes. General strategies which may be used include - visual timetables, writing frames, differentiated resources, alternative recording, specific emotional and behavioural plan, behaviour reward systems, practical apparatus and online interventions.
Children who are identified as having SEND are entitled to support that is additional to or different from a normal differentiated curriculum. The type of support that they receive depends on their individual learning needs and is intended to enable access to learning and overcome the barrier to learning identified.
Each learner identified as having SEND is entitled to support that is 'additional to or different from' a normal differentiated curriculum. We offer a wide range of interventions across the school to children who are identified with SEND. These are closely monitored by the SENDCo, class teachers and TAs and if necessary are adapted to meet the needs of the individual children who are taking part. Interventions currently on offer include but are not exclusive to:
- Precision teaching
- Active Hands
- Daily readers
- Phonics groups
- Speech and Language support (Talk Boost).
- Nessy - Dyslexia Programme
- Maths groups
- New to English groups
- Physical Literacy
- Social skills groups
- Emotional Literacy Support (ELSA)
Monitoring progress is an integral part of teaching and learning at St James'. Children with SEND are set targets alongside the rest of the children in school which are shared regularly with parents/carers. This is either in a document called a Multi-Element Plan (MEP) or in a personal Behaviour and Emotional Plan. If we find that a child is not meeting their set targets through the quality first teaching, additional interventions and the involvement of external agencies we may take the decision to apply for additional funding. This may end up in an Educational Healthcare Plan (EHCP) being written for a child. Parents/carers are kept regularly informed through this process.
Useful Information for Parents
Parent Support Group
We hold a regular parent support groups (led by the school SENDCO) for parents of children with SEND. This is an informal group that meet 2 or 3 times per half term.
This is for parents to support each other, sharing strategies, a chance to ask questions and share concerns. These sessions are held at the cafe in Arboretum Park on Tuesday mornings. The dates can be found on School Dojo.
Each session has a focus that parent's have requested and is a chance to share information and ask questions about this.
Topic covered so far have included:
Inclusive Relationships and Behaviour Policy
Supporting children over the Christmas period.
Identifying solutions with your child.
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